5 Tips for Preparing Your Pool for a Hurricane
Hurricane Season has arrived and we need to prepared for whatever mother nature throws our way. As swimming pool owners, it is important to know how to prepare our pool and patio for when the storm hits.

1. Do Not Empty the Pool
Keeping the water in the pool provides the important weight to hold the pool in the ground. An empty pool is subject to "floating" or "popping" out of the ground due to "lift" pressure from excessive ground water caused by the heavy rains that may accompany the storm.
If you are worried about your pool potentially overflowing, we recommend lowering the water level by about half a foot to a foot, depending on the amount of rainfall that is expected.
2. Turn off Electric Power to Pool Equipment
To prepare a pool for a hurricane, circuit breakers at the main electrical panel should be turned off to prevent pump motors, lighting, chlorinators, and heaters from operating during the worst parts of the storm. Run the pumps and filters while it’s calm, but when heavy rain, wind and lightning arrive, shut them off for the duration of the hurricane.
3. Remove Loose Items from Your Patio
It is essential to remove any furniture or toys from the pool deck, as these can and will become projectiles during high winds, creating safety concerns not only for guests, but also for the property. Strong winds precede hurricanes, so close up pool umbrellas as soon as possible and store them safely inside the building. Be sure to remove skimmer lids as well, since they’re liable to become projectiles.
If you don't have anywhere to store your patio furniture, you could always store it safely inside your pool. Your chairs can't fly around when they're underwater. Just remember to be careful when getting your furniture in and out of the pool.
4. Add Extra Chlorine to the Pool
To prevent contamination from the anticipated debris and excessive storm water, good swimming pool hurricane preparation suggests that you add a "shock" dose of liquid or granular chlorine. Lower the pH first to around 7.2 for best results, and run the filter after shocking for several hours to circulate.
5. Do Not Cover the Pool
Storms can cause falling branches and other debris that may damage pool covers. It’s easier to remove debris from the pool than it is to replace a cover. Prevent unwanted damage and avoid dealing with a difficult removal that might result from the cover being full of heavy water and debris.